One-Act Overview


This year, Blue Hill One-Act put on a new play written and directed by our own Mrs. Luke. Students received many awards with a terrific group of new and returning members.

The play called “872 Days” was inspired by a story told to Mrs. Luke by a friend at church last May. He talked about the Siege of Leningrad during World War II. He was using this historical story to illustrate altruism and the importance of giving, but Mrs. Luke made a self-note to look into the Siege. She did not know this story, so she started with a basic Google search and read the barebones facts of the Siege. This led her to an inspiring story about WWII refugees.

872 days takes place in September of 1941, Hitler and his allies surrounded and bombarded Leningrad, Russia. They cut off all supplies and bombed the food storage with the deliberate intent of starving the population.

Our One-Act team, lead by Mrs. Luke, went to the TVC contest at Harvard High School on November 14th. They were awarded TVC Runner-up. John Rouse was awarded Best Supporting Actor while, Jami Kirchner, Tanner Lemke, & Britney Toepfer got honorable mentions.

On November 19th, One Act held their annual Dessert and a Show at the high school. During this event, the New York City trip also hosts a silent auction to raise travel funds.

The group was awarded Outstanding Technical Theater in the Lincoln High School Play Festival on November 21st. They also received Acting Honors for John Rouse, Taylor Bonifas, and Ladelle Hazen. Through the tough competitions of Districts, they made 5th place. While this did not secure them a spot at state, the school is still extremely proud of the original play and how beautifully the students performed.

One-Act’s final performance will be at Hastings College at 7 P.M. (Scott Studio Theatre 710 Turner Ave in Hastings).